Sunday, November 13, 2011


Today, I'm feeling like writing something that have been troubling me the most.

Yes, fashion.

Be fashioning and attractive and so many terms to describe a beautiful person, is fine.

Furthermore, it is encouraged in Islam.

"إن الله جميل يحب الجمال"

Allah likes beauty things. Some people misinterpreted this narration by saying looking into beautiful woman and enjoying beautiful things are what this hadith is trying to convey.

They are wrong.

When Allah likes beautiful things, it means the outside and inner beauty in a person. Beauty from all aspects, his appearance, his manner, his action, and even his speech, as according to the teaching of Quran and Sunnah.

Back to the topic...

Nowadays, uncountable types of Muslimah fashions have been designed. It is to fulfill the need of consumers and modernity. Yet, it's still no enough.

The cutting of Muslimah
clothing have been reduced until it could fit the body perfectly, which is unfortunately not Islamic attire.

"I'm regretting myself for being tempted and denied the teaching of Islam to satisfy my own desire"
Muslimah's veil have become more fashionable than how it used to be. Varieties of color and design have been produced. Moreover, it makes a person looks elegant and sophisticated.

In one of Prophet's saying:

Barangsiapa yang meniru sesuatu kaum, maka ia termasuk dari kalangan mereka“.. – Riwayat Abu Daud.
It appears that there are some similarity between how Muslimah and Christian's nun wearing veil, however, this is all based on the Muslimah intention. If she wants to appear like the nun, so she is copying them and she is one of them.

But is she is not...she is just a regular Muslimah who wants to look beautiful and attractive. However, please don't overdo it sister!
In another hadith, Prophet says:

“Akan muncul dalam kalangan umatku di akhir zaman, kaum lelaki yang menunggang sambil duduk di atas pelana, lalu mereka turun di depan pintu-pintu masjid. Wanita-wanita mereka( isteri mereka atau anak perempuan), berpakaian tetapi seperti bertelanjang (nipis & ketat).

Di atas kepala mereka pula(wanita) terdapat bonggolan (sanggul atau tocang) seperti bonggol unta yang lemah gemalai. Oleh itu laknatlah mereka semua. Sesungguhnya mereka adalah wanita-wanita yang terlaknat” – Hadith Riwayat Ahmad, jil.2, ms. 223.

And please ponder this hadith too:

“Dua golongan penghuni neraka yang mana aku sendiri belum pernah melihat keadaan mereka didunia: golongan yang membawa cemeti seperti seekor lembu lalu menggunakannya untuk memukul manusia dan juga kaum wanita yang berpakaian seperti bertelanjang, menggoyangkan badan dan berlenggang-lenggok, kepala mereka ada suatu seperti bonggol di kepala unta yang bergoyang-goyang.

Mereka tentu tidak akan memasuki syurga atau mencium baunya sedangkan bau syurga itu dapat dihidu dari jarak perjalanan begitu dan begini” – Hadith Riwayat Muslim. Hadith no 212.

In my observation from surah An-Nur, Allah have drawn some lines on how Muslimah should appear.

Whilst, in narrations of prophet, rules of how Muslimah should not do have been made. So, there is not an exact command on how Muslimah shoud wear. But these ayat and hadith are given as a guide on how and what Islam want on Muslimah attire.

Please ponder whether our attire has been according to Islam's teaching or otherwise! You may refer to this site for further information.

And refer to some flyers on your right side. They may be useful...

This post is merely my own opinion, regret-fullness and observation. And I

mean no offence. Please forgive me...

I'd like to share a Q&A of a person and Ust Azhar. (I couldn't find the picture of the Q&A from facebook)

The person asked about covering aurah. How to respond to a person that is so reluctant to start covering their aurah with excuses that:

  1. Wearing hijab and covering aurah doesn't mean she has good inner side.
  2. Not wearing hijab or covering aurah doesn't mean she is a bad person.
  3. Haven't receive guidance to start.
And so many more...

so, Ust Azhar had given an excellent answer.

"Our prophet had told us that woman who expose their aurah will enter Hell."

So please reflect yourself o women out there~

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