Monday, October 3, 2011


I'd just received a call from Maidam regarding my application for student assistanship.

Alhamdulillah, I am accepted as one of the applicants after a few months waiting. However, we will be interviewed on 11.10.11, 9.30am and will be chosen through the interview as a suitable recipient unlike previous years, applicants were given some amount of money straight away, no need for meeting the applicants personally.


However, something is troubling me.

1- I've bought ticket Trg-KL on this Friday. So, I have to buy it again on this weekend, KL-Trg and Trg-KL. Oh, money! I had spent rm40 for the KL-Trg ticket and (Thanks to my brother for paying Trg-KL ticket for me!). And I will spend rm80 for both return tickets. Not included taxi and bus fares...huhuhu~ Just in 2 weeks!
2- I have classes on Monday and Tuesday.
3- I have missed this week's classes, and will be missing Tuesday's class again. AGAIN! (Dr. Huda please forgive me, I have to!)
4- Haven't edited my 2nd draft RP. Sorry Dr. Shah!
5- Nervous of what kind of questions they will be asking me.

Allahumma yassir umuri wa la tu'assir!

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