Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hi-Tea Amal Raudahtus Sakinah

Alhamdulillah, and thanks to kak Salma for giving me , Odah dan k.Yana an opportunity to join a marvelous event on 24th September 2011, Friday, at SACC, Shah Alam.

The event started an hour late because of the late arrival of our VVIP. Not on purpose though, it was because of traffic jam. So it was started with feast. The foods were delicacy and tasty! We ate from 3pm till 5.30pm....just imagine how stuff our stomachs were.

~ Me & Odah> This picture was taken as soon as we were seated at our table, 20~

~ K. Yana~

While eating, we were entertained with the performance of Demascus. New band of nasyeed I think, because I never heard of them before.

Can you any familiar face there? (For ex-DQ)

And then, the talkshow began. The host was Sis Wardina and the the speakers were Ust Zahazan and Dr. Rubiah Hamzah. Their speech on "Indahnya Harga Diri" were great. Many inputs we got from them. May Allah bless them all!!!

Like Wardina said, Umi akak Dr. Rubiah speech is without insurans. Straight to the point!

In between of the talkshow, we were entertained with two songs from In-Team and last song from Demascus. The songs from In-Team made me reminiscing back my beautiful memories.

Ah! Missing my past!

As soon as the event finished and nearly 6pm, we got up and bravely approached Sis Wardina and asked to have our picture taken. Thanks Kak Dina for your hospitality!

And then, we approached Kak Aisyah. I forgot to take her picture when she was singing. The sings and high pinch voice really amazed me. Sis Aisyah, I was never really a fan of yours, but thank you for you time with us! It was great!

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