Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Meeting an old friend

I sent a message to Syariati through FB about me going to Singapore. Just in case we got luck and meet there...

Alhamdulillah, Syariati replied my message and said she could see me. What a happy feeling I had!

Who is Syariati?

Well, we met when I was in Highmead, UK. She came with her parents on summer to learn Arabic language there if I'm not mistaken. She stayed in my room. We didn't become close straight away, because at first I thought she was a loner. Always with her CD player...

But when the time of parting came...we exchanged contact number, email and msn. At that time Facebook hadn't exist. :D

We kept contacting each other and became close. Until we were all came back to Malaysia and being silent for a while until we met in Facebook. How wonderful!

And through FB, I asked her about meeting me. Thanks FB!

And now she is married and I was going to see a new her...

P/s: Can't continue writing now as all the pictures are upstairs..what an excuse..See u!


piNky LuCiA said...

i bila plak u nak jumpa? hah? hehehhee

DeQku said...

Bila jodoh kita sampai...tapi mu dah kawen..huhuhu~


Peace upon all my dearest readers,

Thank you for you precious time, reading my blog with simple and moderate entries. I hope you have found something valuable among all my writings, and benefit your life.

Please do come again, I'll welcome you with my special du'a...May Allah blesses your life.
