Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What a M.E.M.O.R.Y!

I was checking my email and then suddenly I saw some emails from friendster...

They were telling me that someone commented on my blog. But, what surprised me was, the comments weren't made on this blog but my other blog, my lost-forgotten-full of memories- blog!

I was so happy!!

But not because of those rubbish commentaries, but I found my BLOG!

I've given you the link, so just simply click the BLOG...

What a memory!

I began writing the blog before I went to Sheffield, maybe on my first summer vacation in the UK. And my last entry was made after I arrived Manchester, after I'd completed my studies.

Huhuhu~ isk..isk...isk..

I felt ashamed, sad, longing, happy...all sorts of feelinglaa when I was reading the blog. My english was really weak at that time!!


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Peace upon all my dearest readers,

Thank you for you precious time, reading my blog with simple and moderate entries. I hope you have found something valuable among all my writings, and benefit your life.

Please do come again, I'll welcome you with my special du'a...May Allah blesses your life.
