I followed K.Saf, along with her sister and cousin to Wangsa Walk, to watch the latest great movie staring my fav actress and actor Ange and Johnny.
My expectation to this movie wasn't so high. But as long as my fav actors in it, it was ok. But I was so happy and thrilled with the storyline that made me laugh especially in Johnny parts, and the unexpected ending!
I was so happy and it was worth watching!
Are you curious about the ending? Watch it yourself!
To know more about this movie, click here.
We went watching without even having lunch. So once we got out from the cinema, we were starving.
So our next mission was : Food hunting!
Georgetown White Coffee
We decided to eat there. Unfortunately, unhappy event happened, I think that would be the last time we'd ever go there.
We placed our order and had to wait for 30 minutes and just then we knew ( Thanks to Kyna for her braveness to go to the counter to ask about our order) that our order wasn't in system. We were so frustrated! And starving of course!
We didn't want to continue our frustration, thus we canceled the order and blah!
In the end, we had our lunch in Popeye, which cost me RM11.00 for Chicken Rice Bowl and Ice Milo. The taste wasn't so good but telan jelaaa~
Secret Recipes
Never to forget, K.Yana and K. Alyah asked me to buy them cakes in Secret Recipes. Me wanted as well~
Yum Yum..

But, we arrived rather late and most of the cakes had finished. They said new cakes would arrive at 4pm and we didn't have much time for that!
So we bought what they had..

Sadly, it was a bit melted once we arrived UiA. So the yummy taste was gone~ Huhuhu...

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