Rain season has arrived. Every end of the year. I can't say that I hate rain season but it makes hot wave go away. However, it is frustrated when you get wet everytime you go out, gladly I don't go out much this holiday.
Nevertheless, I praise to Allah for rain that has wet the earth. Just imagine if we have summer all the time??

In the countries that have 4 season, having raining in winter is a sign of snowing. It is so damned cold!
I was facebooking and I saw my friends status. "Snowing"... +_+ So cold~

However, I envy my friends that are still there. I admit that I like snow season the most then summer time. Why?? Because it is cold and everybody is wrapping their body with layers of clothes...decreasing the exposing of aurat..hehehe~
Let's reminisce the memory of winter~
I still remember having fingers itching inside warm gloves. But it was ok, because it wasn't hot.
I still remember looking for heater to keep my body from frozen. But it was ok, because it wasn't hot.
I still remember putting wet clothes on top of heater to dry them off, as I didn't have any more clothes to wear. But it was ok, because it wasn't hot.
I still remember hardly getting out from the duvet to perform Subuh prayer because it was freezing cold. But it was ok, because it wasn't hot.
I still remember taking ablution with frozen water. But it was ok, because it wasn't hot.
And I still remember sneaking into Abi's bathroom just because I wanted to use hot water to take bath. But it was ok, because if it wasn't because of winter, I wouldn't feel so refresh after a shower.
"Since you hate hot so much, so don't do something that will make you being thrown to hell." - Reminder for myself especially.
Hating hot was on of the reason why I didn't really feel like going back hometown, but I still had to go back. That was my destiny, so I had to obey and keep on living.
Those two seasons are one of Allah's magnificient creation for His mankind to get advantage on. We should be grateful for that, think about it and may increase our iman. Meanwhile, stop complaining. Me as well, towards HOT...hehehe~
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