Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Exam is just round the corner ~

My first paper begins next week on 27th, May Allah assists me all the way through the exam, cause I believe it will be very hard...ya Allah..*sigh*.

Then, on 1st and 2nd, in sequence, I have two papers, where they need lot of reading..again *sigh*.

My pre-requisite subject is on 6th, the day is very convenience, so I can prepare a lot... :)

The next day is k.Laila's wedding day, and I'm going! ...mood: Very HaPPy, cz dpt mkn nasi minyak!

Last day is on 11th, Muslim Scholarship, the most complicated subject ever, wish I understand all the religions~

Please pray for me and my friends...
Allahumma yassir wa la tu'assir


Abah & Ummi said...

Kami sentiasa doakan kejayaan anakanda tersayang ... Yakin !! You can do the best !!

DeQku said...



Peace upon all my dearest readers,

Thank you for you precious time, reading my blog with simple and moderate entries. I hope you have found something valuable among all my writings, and benefit your life.

Please do come again, I'll welcome you with my special du'a...May Allah blesses your life.
