Saturday, September 4, 2010

Home At Last!

Alhamdulillah, praises all go to Allah..

I arrived home safe and sound early in the morning, at the time when muslims are having their breakfast.

I intended to have my breakfast at home but unfortunately, the bus arrived a little bit late and I wouldn't have enough time to make it at home.

So, 7/11 was my destination...I bought strawbery milk and two small muffins. Yum yum...

One I got home....

Masha Allah!!!!

My home is such a disaster!

I'm wondering, will I have the time to study?

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Thank you for you precious time, reading my blog with simple and moderate entries. I hope you have found something valuable among all my writings, and benefit your life.

Please do come again, I'll welcome you with my special du'a...May Allah blesses your life.
