Friday, September 10, 2010

Eid ul-Fitr 2010

The incomplete family...where is Adah?

Beloved Abah and Ummi
~ Thank you for everything you have done in order to raise us to be a soleh and solehah person, an excellent student in studies and a responsible person towards its community.

Getting ready for a family portrait

Looking into the mirror~

Weirdo group~ Hahahah~

Grey team
~ Look at Hakim's hairy leg....iuuuuui

~Peace no quarrel~ duit raya~

Main dishes on Eid
~Ketupat, Nasi Himpit, Kuah Kacang & Rendang Ayam~

Some of home made cookies..
~ Look delicious right??

Dearest Adah,

This is the first Eid we are celebrating without you. We can feel the differences. No shouting of you for being late in getting ready for Eid prayer, no sound of you laughing at each other, no appearance of you eating cookies as many as you want..and many morelaa..

This Eid, we managed to collect RM100 each person...hahahaha~

We miss you but we could just bare it. You are there on the path of seeking for knowledge. The most respectable and honorable path that is encouraged the most by our religion. So keep it up. This is just beginning. There will be many more obstacles that you have to go through...i/Allah, with knowledge, patience and courage, you will arrive to your wished destination. Amin!


piNky LuCiA said...

selamat hari raya jugak.. hehe. tak sempat nak bergambar pun raya ni. ramai org dtang umah. huhu

DeQku said...

Beshnye ramai org datang.Mesti meriah gler..Wan dtg x?


Peace upon all my dearest readers,

Thank you for you precious time, reading my blog with simple and moderate entries. I hope you have found something valuable among all my writings, and benefit your life.

Please do come again, I'll welcome you with my special du'a...May Allah blesses your life.
